Looking for a daily devotional to read or listen to online?  Check out today's Our Daily Bread.

Do you or someone you know struggle with the creation / evolution debate?  Check out Creation Ministries International for thoughtful and reasonable answers to the most asked questions about origins, God... and more.  

It's sometimes intimidating to show up someplace if you don’t know anybody or what to expect.  We hope that your first experience at Albion Hills Bible Church will be a warm, welcoming one.  

If you are able to join us, our Chapel is set on a beautiful rural property in the Caledon Hills.  The lane curves past an old log cabin. Keep driving because we are located behind that cabin... in the barn.  

Our Sunday worship services  

are relatively traditional.  You

will experience lively singing,

the reading of the Scriptures

and prayer.  This is followed

by a Bible based message.

Children would be welcome to

participate in our nursery or

Sunday School (up to grade 8) just before the message.

Stay after the service to enjoy some refreshments and to meet your neighbours.  We would love to have you visit with us

Unable to attend due? Interested in hearing the Bible messages?  Check out our "Messages" page where you can listen to a recent message.  We hope you will find them encouraging and helping you grow in a biblical understanding of who God is and His plan for you!

We also welcome you to check out our website further to learn a more about Albion Hills Bible Church.  We have a variety of ministries for women, men, youth and children throughout the week.  There are great opportunities for fellowship, encouraging one another and learning more from God's Word.

It is also our prayer and hope that you would be interested in learning more about God, His great love for you and His church.  Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.


Ladies Bible Study

Monday, January 20th at 12:30pm

The ladies Bible study continues this Monday. Contact us if you're interested in joining us for this session.

Men's Prayer Breakfast & Study

Tuesday, January 21st at 9:00am

The men's prayer breakfast resumes for the new year. Click on the link above for more information.  We hope you can join us!  

Adult & Youth Bible Study

Sunday, January 26th at 10:00am

We welcome you to join us for our pre-service adult and youth Bible study.  It's a great time of digging into God's Word before our worship service!

Sunday Worship Service

Sunday, January 26th at 11:00am

Bill Huggins returns and continues to share insights from the book of Isaiah. We look forward to having him return and welcome you to worship with us this Lord's day!


Sunday, February 9th at 12:30pm

Following our morning service, join us for a wonderful time of food, fellowship and enjoying God's beautiful creation.

The past Sunday, Bill Huggins continued our walk through Isaiah, with a stop in chapter 40 with a call to comfort His people.      

Click on the "Listen NOW!" button below to hear this week's message.

Join us for SNOW-A-RAMA!

February 9th,


Online Bible Reading